Responding to a Call to Missions

By Louis and Sunita Sonkey

Embracing the Journey:

Relocating from Cameroon to Sierra Leone has been an adventure of faith for our family. Over the past few months, we've experienced God's faithfulness in remarkable ways as we have settled into our new home. It all began in 2017 when a sense of calling stirred our hearts deeply. Scriptures like Habakkuk 2:14 and Matthew 24:14 fueled our passion to spread the Gospel to nations with limited access to it. Sierra Leone became the destination God laid on our hearts, a place where approximately 70% of the population identifies as Focus. With this conviction, we embarked on a journey filled with uncertainties and challenges.

Settling In:

The initial months were marked by the practicalities of adapting to a new environment. Each step was a testament to God's guidance, from finding an apartment to furnishing it. Despite facing health challenges for the first two months, including our daughter developing boils on her head, and my wife a whitlow on her right hand, we found solace in the support of friends and God's healing grace. Sunilouisa, our now 10-month-old daughter, has been adapting well after the healing of the boils, bringing us immeasurable joy. Her smiles and laughter remind us of God's goodness even amid challenges. 

Pursuing Our Calling:

Our primary mission in Sierra Leone revolves around spreading the Gospel and building disciple-making movements among university students and the rural poor. Teaming up with our ministry partners, Richard and Gina, we began exploring various avenues for service together with them. Our Initial ministry engagement is to observe and familiarize ourselves with the various ministry efforts of our ministry partners. Meanwhile, by God’s grace, we started a Bible study with three students from our neighborhood who often come to fetch water. On our 5th wedding anniversary, which was on the 16th of March, we prepared dinner and invited them along with some neighbors and our landlord's family, where we shared the Gospel. Their enthusiastic response led us to continue meeting weekly for bible studies. They have remained consistent and committed in their studies, memorizing verses, and daily Bible reading. 

We are facing our share of obstacles, from water scarcity to the high cost of living. Yet, amidst these challenges, our faith remains steadfast. Our journey thus far has taught us valuable lessons about obedience, perseverance, and the power of prayer. When God calls, He equips, sustains, and provides, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Trusting in His Providence:

Our decision to move to Sierra Leone was not made lightly. It was born out of a deep conviction, a deep sense of God’s call, and a burden to spread the Gospel to those who have yet to hear it. Through it all, we've learned to lean on God's promises and trust in His provision. From navigating family expectations to overcoming financial fears, each obstacle has only strengthened our resolve to follow where He leads. As we continue to respond to His call in Sierra Leone, we remain confident that He who began this good work in us will bring it to completion.

Encouragement for the Called:

To those who feel a stirring in their hearts to answer the call to missions but are afraid of the challenges that lie ahead, we offer words of encouragement. It is natural to feel apprehensive about stepping into the unknown, but we can attest to the faithfulness, and peace of God in every step of the journey. While the road may be fraught with obstacles, His grace is always more than sufficient to carry us through. As we have learned firsthand, obedience to God's call opens the door to His provision, protection, and purpose. Don't let fear hold you back from experiencing the incredible blessings that come from serving in His Kingdom. Step out in faith, trusting that He who calls you is faithful, and He will accomplish what He has set out to do through you. Keep your eyes on His promises, and accept the unknown as an opportunity to manifest faith and please God, (Hebrews, 11:6).

The Journey Ahead:

As we look to the future, we anticipate both challenges and triumphs in pioneering for the Gospel. We are excited about the potential for growth and impact as we continue to serve in Sierra Leone, together with our ministry partners. We are also specifically praying for God to grant favor, and His grace as we trust Him to contribute to the spread of the gospel and establish disciple-making movements in at least four unreached countries of the world in the next 30 to 40 years if Christ tarries. Our hearts are burdened for the communities we've been called to reach, and we're eager to see God's hand at work in transforming lives. 

Through our journey, we have witnessed His faithfulness time and time again, and we are confident that He will continue to guide and sustain us in the days ahead. We are grateful that God has called and equipped us to lay the foundations of disciple-making movements in unreached places, and we are hopeful that He will bring many who will join us in years to come.