Unveiling a Vision for the Next Generation

By Joe Maschhoff

In 2001, the Lord led many diverse Navigator leaders into remarkable unity around something we now refer to as “The Core.” The Core is deeply rooted in the Scriptures and consists of our Calling, Values, and Vision.

In the fall of 2022, at the International Council (IC22), The Core was strongly affirmed by the Council. It continues to capture and describe well what defines us as Navigators around the globe. During that gathering, it became evident that a focus on positioning the next generation of Navigator leaders was a key next step God was leading us towards. Both the upcoming International Council (IC24) and Student Workers Consultation (SWC) are efforts to follow through on this leading from the Lord.

Trusting God for the IC24

A diverse range of representatives, from many contexts in the international leader community of The Navigators, will come together to seek the Lord in November 2024. This will be the International Council 2024 (IC24), held in Livingstone, Zambia.

Here is what the International Executive Team (IET) is trusting God for:

- To discern His leading on helping the next generation of Navigators to more fully grasp and to be more fully grasped by The Core in understanding and in practice.

- To form a plan together that energizes, affirms creativity, and fosters ownership.

We are asking the Lord to help emerging Navigator leaders around the world to increasingly “own” The Core in their unique time, location, and context. We are so hopeful about the next generation and believe God is doing something great among them. Please join us in praying that those who follow us might surpass us in faith, fruitfulness, and commitment to Christ.

Embracing the Next Generation

Each generation emphasizes different values and carries unique strengths and weaknesses. As a member of Generation X, I recall when my generation was considered to be “the emerging generation” and was often seen as hard to understand and resistant to authority. That was the reputation Gen X once carried. Thankfully, that has faded as we Gen X-ers are now in our 50s and 60s. God has purposes for each generation.

We must continuously seek to help "translate" and “operationalize” The Core for those who follow us. As Navigators, God has given us direction. As people change, we must look to Him for ways to energize and engage those who succeed us, recognizing that they see the world differently. The next generation is always the future, whether we are personally ready for them or not.

Student Ministry and The Core

An important subset of the next generation is university or college students, roughly referring to those 18-25 years of age. The Navigators have long valued university student ministry, from our earliest days in the 1940s when Lorne Sanny used to offer discipleship seminars to UCLA students. God has used Navigators all over the world to reach, disciple, and send students over the past 80 years.

Today, with The Core in one hand and many years of student ministry in the other, it is important for us to consider our work among students in light of The Core. May our most fruitful days in student ministry be yet to come!

Alignment and Energy for the Student Ministry

Just before the IC24, also in Livingstone, Zambia, the IET will host the Student Workers Consultation (SWC). The IET is praying that two important outcomes might occur:

- That student ministries around the world might align more closely with The Core.

- That student ministry will be energized and released into a season of growth.

In order to pursue these outcomes, about 30 student ministry-focused Navigator workers and leaders from around the world will consult the Lord and one another over two questions:

1) How should The Core inform how Navigators do student ministry?

2) What part should student ministry play in the fulfillment of The Core?

Please pray that the student workers at the SWC will enjoy unity, creativity, and the Lord’s leading in seeking Him. Pray that God will further align us around our Core at the SWC and that student ministries in the WWP would be free to grow, expand, and multiply.

Pray for the Outcomes

These gatherings are pivotal for our Navigator Worldwide Partnership. As Navigators, we have always had the next generation in our sights. The future of our ministry ultimately lies in God’s hands and in the hands of the next generation.

Let’s trust God together for the future as we seek His guidance and direction. Let us trust God together, to advance His Gospel into new places and peoples and see workers for the Kingdom next door to everywhere emerge from the next generation!