Worldwide Missions Opportunities
The following list presents the Navigator cross-cultural missions priorities —by region—as developed by the International Executive Team and Regional Directors of The Navigators. For purposes of security, some country names have been omitted. For more information about any of these missions opportunities, please write to Grant Dibden at
It is the smallest country within mainland Africa and is surrounded by Senegal, except for its western coast on the Atlantic Ocean. With more than 90% of the population identifying as Focus, many Gambians still participate in traditional practices. The mixture of religious beliefs and ancestral customs is called syncretism which is widely practiced in Gambia.
A survey trip is planned for 2025 in partnership with the Ghana Navigators, who have been praying for Gambia for several years.
There is an urgent need for a dedicated team of missionaries to establish a Navigator ministry in Gambia.
Contact: Mutinta Silenga (Leader for Missions):; Sess Serge (Leader for Pioneering Countries):; Levi Ndimubanzi (Leader for Pioneering Countries):
It is a former French colony in West Africa, where about a quarter of the population identifies as Muslim. There is an urgent need for a team of missionaries to raise foundational generations of Navigators. There is potential for partnership with the Burkina Faso ministry, which has also been praying and trusting God for Benin.
Contact: Mutinta Silenga (Leader for Missions):; Sess Serge (Leader for Pioneering Countries):
It is a small landlocked country in Southern Africa, completely encircled by the Republic of South Africa. The South African Navigators have been involved in short-term missions in Lesotho for over 20 years. There is need for partnership to send missionaries and establish a Navigator ministry and put together a team of laborers (couples and singles), who will pioneer the work in Lesotho.
Contact: Mutinta Silenga (Leader for Missions):; Levi Ndimubanzi (Leader for Pioneering Countries):
country 4
It is a westernmost country in Western Africa. French is the official language, along with 39 other distinct languages. Close to 97% of the people belong to the Focus group.
A survey trip is planned for 2025 in partnership with Navigators who have been praying for this country for several years.
There is an urgent need for individuals and couples with campus ministry experience to support existing CDM ministry in raising a foundational generation of Navigators.
Contact: Mutinta Silenga (Leader for Missions):; Sess Serge (Leader for Pioneering Countries):
country 1 – Pioneering Team
The Lord has blessed us with a pioneering leader who has recently arrived. The crucial need is for pioneering team members to join them. We are asking God for a team of like-burdened people who are committed to the long haul of 10 years or more. Couples, men, and women would all be welcome.
country 2
This South Asian nation is largely unreached with the Gospel and is in need of more labourers.
An experienced couple with over 10 years of experience in the country is re-establishing a small business in a major city. Through previous pioneering efforts, believers are following Jesus within family and relational networks. Since families are key to the spread of the Gospel, reaching them while maintaining strong connections is a priority. More team members are needed to assist with the business and support this crucial pioneering effort.
The new business and ministry are supported by an Asia Pacific alongsider, the Asia Pacific Missional Enterprises team, and an Advisory Board. We welcome both couples and singles of all ages.
The University of the South Pacific (USP) is the primary tertiary institution training emerging leaders in government, medicine, corporations, and the private sector for the 12 USP member island nations: Fiji, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
This presents a strategic opportunity to raise up laborers for the harvest by strengthening the fledgling ministry there. USP is a vital ministry target from which our work could expand throughout the Pacific.
We are trusting God for a couple to serve with The Navigators in Fiji, providing leadership for the campus ministry while also training and equipping a younger couple or single(s) to labor alongside them.
Contact: Brian Wachter:
country 4
This is a developing country in Southeast Asia where most people practice traditional folk religion. The country promotes foreign investment to drive its fast economic growth. Urbanization is increasing, leading to a growing middle class, particularly in some areas.
There is an opportunity to develop an indigenous ministry over the next decade with three key goals: strengthening grassroots ministry in one city, establishing a university ministry with local leaders, and leading an international ministry team aligned with the national strategy.
We are seeking a couple to join the work, leading community and campus ministries while training a younger couple for this mission.
Country 1
Two Nav Rep couples (families) are invited to join the pioneering team which currently consists of three couples.
Purpose: This is a pioneering team just entering the country with a ministry focusing on the ethnic majority.
Profile: Our prayer is that one couple could arrive by the end of 2025, while the second couple is desired to arrive by mid 2026.
Required: Navigator Reps with generational disciplemaking experience. Must be a learner, flexible, courageous, take initiative, and be able to follow leadership while working well with a team. Must be fluent in English and willing to work on learning the local language.
Country 2
A non-NATO country passport holder, Nav Rep seeks to partner with and work alongside our senior country staff couple (who are also English speakers).
Purpose: To relationally advance the gospel and do basic follow-up among natives and unreached people group(s) and students through our English language school business. You will also help the local staff team build community among believers and seekers.
Profile: A Nav-trained, non-Western, non-NATO passport-holding couple who are native English speakers is needed to help teach English and work in an established and successful English language business. Experience in discipling young believers and ministry to college-age individuals and younger is desirable. Experience in teaching English is required. Having credentials in teaching English as a second language (CELTA or equivalent) is a plus. You will assist with administrative tasks and support the team with annual impactful summer projects. School management experience is preferred.
Kyiv, Ukraine: Base initially in Budapest, Hungary – traveling team into Kyiv
A Nav-Rep couple to join the Country Leader couple as part of a traveling team to Kyiv to encourage and develop existing Ukrainian labourers. Once things settle in Ukraine, the plan may include relocation to Kyiv.
Purpose: To support the Country Leader couple as part of a traveling team to Kyiv, Ukraine, while being based in Budapest, Hungary. This role involves coming alongside the Ukrainian Navigator team in Kyiv, assisting in re-pioneering efforts, and working toward establishing a sustainable, Ukrainian-led Navigator ministry in the future.
Contact: Tyler Sanderford:
Country 4
An experienced Nav Rep couple sought to collaborate with another experienced Nav Rep couple and local leaders. Ministry is conducted in the local languages, so language learning is required.
Purpose: Ministry among Focus groups. Develop a personal ministry that models The Core and regional emphases, including relationally advancing the gospel and providing basic follow-up. Work towards fostering a Navigator local labouring community. Ministry areas include community ministry, orphan ministry, and athletics.
Profile: Develop skills to minister in the local language and take relational initiative. Be willing to collaborate with the existing team and assist the local team in building community among believers and seekers. Experience living and ministering overseas is preferred.
We are looking for a couple or a team of singles (in their late twenties or thirties) to lead the campus ministry in Bergen, starting in summer 2025 (or earlier).
Requirements: Language learning and willingness to adapt to the local Norwegian culture with openness for collaboration with local churches.
Contact: Olav Humlebrekke:
We are seeking an experienced Anglophone couple, aged 30+, with highly relational personalities, flexibility, respect, and openness to engage with students from diverse backgrounds (also those with an Orthodox cultural identity in a post-communist country). Language learning is beneficial, but not an absolute necessity as the proficiency in English offers an opportunity for locals to enhance their English skills. D3G has an emphasis on social outreach, aiming to bring hope, justice, and educational opportunities to children and young people facing challenging circumstances.
Contact: Carmen:
The French Navigators have faced many challenges in the past. Currently, there is a family-oriented ministry, two small student ministries in Strasbourg and Mulhouse, and a young adult ministry in Strasbourg. We seek pioneering leaders to start work in a new city (preferably Nancy) and team members to support existing ministries in Mulhouse and Strasbourg. Proficiency in French is essential, or a willingness to invest the first year or two in language learning, along with cultural sensitivity, particularly regarding the Catholic Church.
Contact: Bob and Annemieke Esmeijer:
Latin America
Neuquen, Argentina
The Argentina Navigator leadership is looking for two couples who are sent by another Navigator work with the resources necessary to open a new pioneering work in the province of Neuqen, Argentina where there is no current staff. They are also open to receiving singles for mid-term assignments. The national leaders have taken several pioneering trips to this region and have developed relational contacts to build upon. It will be important to develop a natural way for the foreign labourers to connect with the people in this region (several small to mid-sized towns) and build relationships through projects aimed at blessing the community. This might be a part-time job in something they have experience in, or a small business that wouldn’t require more than 20 hours a week per person.
Contact: Martin Bonadini:
Hermosillo, Mexico
Seeking a team of a young couple and some singles (between 25-35 years old) for a university ministry in Hermosillo at the University of Sonora. Previous collegiate ministry experience and Spanish is needed. If not Spanish speakers, language study will be required. They will serve under experienced Mexican leaders in the city.
Contact: Armando Hernández: (Spanish) & Chris Young: (English)
Middle East and North Africa
Country 1
We need both Arab missionaries and expats. Young couples and singles are needed. Educators, teachers and social workers are among the helpful professions.
Country 2
We are still in the early phases of praying and exploring what service will look like in this country. This is a highly unreached country with distinct challenges and active persecution. We are in touch with a contact there, but we need people willing to be part of a pioneering team to establish work in here.
Country 3
We are seeking people in professional jobs like educators, engineers, doctors, health professionals, or professors in a university setting. Expats make up a large portion of the population, and the country is an excellent candidate for opening different types of projects in the region.
country 4
We are praying for laborers who will join the ministry in this country. We have connected with two local people. We hope to connect more with locals to equip them more with our Calling, Vision, and Values.
North America and the Caribbean
Canada - National Project Manager
The Navigators of Canada are looking for a National Project Manager who will oversee Navigators of Canada projects taking place both inside and outside of Canada.
Contact: Chris Barrett;
Caribbean - Guadalupe/Martinique
The Navigators of the Caribbean are actively seeking to establish a ministry in both Guadalupe and Martinique, which are part of the French Caribbean region.
For the past three years, we have been collaborating with The Navigators of Africa, who have been willing to provide missionaries from the Francophone region to Haiti. However, due to the current socio-political climate in Haiti, our country leader for Haiti, as well as the leadership of both Caribbean and Africa Navigators, have perceived God pointing us to Guadalupe and Martinique.
We are seeking God’s affirmation as we assemble a scouting and survey team from Africa and the Caribbean for a mission trip in Spring 2025. This endeavour is our primary focus, particularly in terms of financial resources.
Contact: Felix Colonnieves;