Photo courtesy of Martin Bonandini
Two teen girls look out across the La Plata River channel near Puerto Madero in the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina. What will a new generation of Argentinians face?
Modernity and Western secular worldviews, represented by the remarkable construction in the background, while alluring, pose significant barriers to faith in God.
“Challenges to the young generation are many,” says Martin Bonandini, a Navigator leader in Argentina. “Those going to university face a liberalism that proposes that the values that built our nation are suddenly a lie, the fruit of ‘social constructionism.’ And so young people are called to deconstruct themselves.”
Despite the obstacles, Bonandini sees a new generation of young people who seek God with passion and with a renewed heart for the truth of God revealed in His Word. Young people want the "real thing" that Christianity has to offer—that is Christ himself. They are tired of popular church movements and want to see Christ expressed authentically in those who call themselves Christians.
The Navigator ministry in Buenos Aires, Argentina is almost 50-years old. Join them in prayer, asking God to firmly establish a new generation of young believers in Argentina.