A Closer Look: New York City

Looking at this photo of Times Square in New York City, you would never imagine that the location was once the site for William Vanderbilt’s American Horse Exchange. Later, in 1904, the city’s mayor named it Times Square shortly after the owner and publisher of The New York Times, Adolph Ochs, built what was then the city’s second tallest building—the Times Tower.

Today Times Square epitomizes New York City, which is, according to Navigator city director Peter Trautmann, “arguably the most influential culture factory in the world.” The city, which is home to 22 million people (metropolitan area), is the world’s center of media, advertising, book publishing, fashion, the arts and theater, and the global economy. And, as in all major American cities, the residents have significant economic and spiritual needs.

“All the world’s ideas are hashed out here,” says Peter, who was raised in the city.

Those ideas disproportionately shape global culture, which is why Peter and his team of 27 Navigator laborers are so passionate about working here. In this urban metropolis, with 200 nationalities and 800 languages, the team branches out to serve a wide array of nonbelievers in different contexts.

One focus is formerly imprisoned youth. Through personal discipleship, Navigators help them stay out of the prison system. The team has also been involved in a 24/7 prayer line designed to uphold the 55,000 employees of the New York Police Department. Other team members are working with African American churches. Still others are leading after-school Bible clubs for kids. There is a workplace ministry for professionals as well as a 20s ministry. One Navigator laborer is leading new evangelistic and discipling ministry in the housing project where he grew up, which is now home to at least 400,000 people. 

The city is an expensive place to live, which is a major obstacle to missionaries moving in. But, as Peter says, “we can’t afford to not be here.”

“New York is perhaps the Rome of our day,” he observes. “Paul always wanted to minister in Rome, and for good reason. All roads led to Rome and the whole world was impacted by Rome. The same is true for New York City today.”

Please pray that God would continue to use New York’s Navigators to advance the Gospel in this influential city.