Engaging the Next Generation Around The Core

By mutua mahiaini

The story of God's work in the world is unshakable and unstoppable, because it is anchored in His faithfulness, sovereignty and promises. On this basis, we enjoy the incredible privilege and responsibility of participating in His mission, and of passing on His calling to the next generation. This sacred task is about more than building an organization or preserving a legacy; it is about inviting others to step into God's eternal purposes. As Navigators we have been entrusted by God with The Core – our Calling, Vision, and Values.

This conviction shaped the theme of the recent International Council (IC24) in Zambia: Engaging the Next Generation Around The Core. Leaders from across our Worldwide Partnership gathered to seek God, reflect on His faithfulness, and consider how to invite the next generation into the heart of our Calling. But this message is not confined to those who were there—it is for all of us who long to see the Gospel advanced and disciples multiplied.

The Sacred Responsibility of Generations

Why is engaging the next generation around The Core so critical? Many reasons come to mind, but the most significant is this: the glory of God is at stake.

In John 17, Jesus prays not only for His disciples but for all who will believe in Him through their message. His vision was not limited to the moment or the people in front of Him; it was generational. Jesus was praying for a chain of faith, passed from one generation to the next, so that the Father’s glory would be revealed throughout the ages.

The Core matters because it expresses the Calling, or mission, to which God Himself is calling us. Then it clearly lists the Core Values that define us, guide our journey and motivate us to keep going. The third part of the Core is our Vision which describes what we are expecting God to do miraculously as we pray, believe and obey! The Core is not a program or a philosophy—It represents our shared commitment to the Gospel and the glory of God among the nations. Passing on The Core is not optional. We must embrace our role in this process of engaging the next generation.

The Role of the Elders

In this generational relay, those of us who consider ourselves elders have a three-fold responsibility: to model, transmit, and coach.

1. Modeling: We must live out a generational perspective, demonstrating that our ultimate goal is God’s glory, not our own legacy. Like David preparing for Solomon to build the temple, our joy should come from seeing those after us flourish. This requires humility and a willingness to step aside so that others can step up, shining even brighter. Those of us who participated in the gatherings where God graciously gave us the Core over two decades ago are not the owners of it.

2. Transmitting: Psalm 44:1 says, “We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us what you did in their days, in days long ago.” This verse captures the power of storytelling. When we recount God’s faithfulness, not as distant history but as a living reality, we inspire others to believe that God can work in their lives and times. Stories of The Core should not glorify our efforts but the God who is faithful through all generations.

3. Coaching: Finally, we must encourage, support and platform the next generation. This means affirming their leadership, creating space for their ideas, and cheering them on as they take bold steps. It also means trusting that God will use them in ways that may look different from how He used us. Coaching is not about control but about empowerment, releasing the next generation to run their race with confidence.

The Next Generation’s Birthright

To the next generation, I want to say this: The Core is your birthright. If God has sovereignly placed our Calling, Core Values and Vision on your heart, this is not a coincidence; you must do serious business with Him. The story of Esau reminds us of what is lost when we treat our birthright lightly. The purposes of God were running generationally from Abraham, to Isaac and to … Jacob, instead of Esau. What happened? Esau despised his birthright.

After despising his birthright, Esau was still successful, humanly speaking. He was blessed with wealth, yet God said, “Esau I hated”. What was it about Esau that God hated? One could say that by despising his birthright, he rejected the lineage through which God would bring His glory to the world. Gal. 3:16 states, “The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ.”

We are convinced that a new generation of Navigators needs to see the Core as something they have received from God. It has been said that God has no grandchildren. Each generation must see itself as part of the divine story that began long before them and will continue long after, for the glory of God. We preach Christ, not the Core. But as God speaks to our hearts through what is contained in the Core, it is not enough to inherit it passively. Each of us must engage with God directly, hearing His voice, claiming His promises, and stepping into the unique calling He has placed on your lives.

Like Jacob wrestling with the angel, you must claim it for yourselves. This requires a spirit of boldness and faith.

Why It Matters

The reasons for engaging the next generation around The Core are many. Without it, leadership transitions falter, and the energy, creativity, and potential of younger leaders go untapped. But the greatest reason is this: The Core reflects the very heart of God.

Deuteronomy 7:9 reminds us that God is faithful across a thousand generations, keeping His covenant of love with those who love Him. When we engage the next generation around The Core, we are joining in His eternal purposes. It is not merely about organizational sustainability but about participating in the work of God, who is faithful to complete what He began.

A Call to Action

As I reflect on this moment in The Navigators’ history, I am filled with hope. The next generation will face challenges we cannot imagine, but they will also witness God’s faithfulness in ways we could never dream. Our task, as elders, is to prepare the way for them—to model faithfulness, tell the stories of God’s goodness, and coach them to run boldly.

To the next generation: this is your moment. Embrace The Core as your own. Seek God with all your heart. Live boldly for His glory. And know that you are part of a story far greater than yourselves—a story that began long before you and will continue long after, all for the glory of God.

Let us move forward together, united by the Holy Spirit as we obey God in living out what He has given us in The Core. We are invited to radical trust in the One who is faithful across generations.