New International President: Joe Maschhoff

by mutua mahiaini

Dear Navigator Family,

It is a joy and privilege to announce that Joe Maschhoff has been selected as the next International President of The Navigators. 

The Selection Council, made up of 42 representatives from across our global movement, gathered at Glen Eyrie this week to prayerfully consider this decision. The time together was marked not only by deep discussion but also by significant times of prayer and listening to God. There was a spirit of joy and expectancy as we considered the current needs of the Worldwide Partnership and how God has prepared Joe to lead us during this next season. The Selection Council unanimously affirmed God’s leading to recommend Joe to the US Board of Directors and today the Board fulfilled their legal role by confirming the Council’s decision.

Many of you joined in the 40 Days of Prayer preceding the Council meeting, and I want to express my gratitude to those who participated in this season of seeking the Lord together. The collective prayers of our Worldwide Partnership were a significant part of the process, and I trust that God will continue to call us to prayer as we move into this next season under Joe’s leadership.

Joe Maschhoff brings a deep love for God and heart for the lost. He is known as a man who leads from the Scriptures and listens to God. He has a passion for the Core and disciplemaking, and a history of ministry leadership. Joe and his wife, Joy, along with their three children (ages 17, 14, and 12), have faithfully served in various capacities across our Worldwide Partnership. Having been discipled by his father, also a Navigator staff member, Joe’s heart was captured by the Navigator vision during his university years. He was part of the first US EDGE Corps class and spent 16 years in ministry in Southern California both as a GIP and CIP. He then served as one of the first leaders of the US Nav20s work. In 2014, Joe and his family left the US to pioneer and lead the Navigator work in the Caribbean. They returned to the US in 2021, and Joe began serving on the International Executive Team (IET) in January 2023.

A commissioning service will take place on 4 May 2025, marking the official start of Joe’s role as International President. Please join us in praying for Joe, Joy, and their children as they embrace this new season of leadership, and for our global movement as we continue to press into God’s Calling, Vision, and Values for The Navigators.

With gratitude,
Mutua Mahiaini