(October 2023, Issue 120) Jerry Chen shares about how an individual transformed by the power of the Gospel changed the lives of those around them.
(October 2023, Issue 120) Mutua Mahiaini encourages us to glorify the Lord in our Worldwide Partnership by celebrating the work of the Father together…
(January 2022, Issue 113) Several years ago, a group of national ministry directors in the Asia Navigators sensed a need to rethink their models for sharing the Gospel and for discipleship in their own Buddhist cultural contexts. They realized that Western methods weren’t working well in Asia, and they wanted to find ways to serve the lost in their communities in such a way that the Gospel would be received as good news by people ascribing to a Buddhist worldview.
(October 2021, Issue 112) The aromas at this Middle Eastern shawarma shop are irresistible. As Eddie roasts a spire of lamb on an upright skewer, customers hang out to eat, have some strong coffee or maté tea, and chat with Eddie. In addition to making food, Eddie makes time for people.
(July 2021, Issue 111) “Walking together with our friends,” says Márcio, “brings us into close contact with nature and takes us away from controlled environments. Rain, mud, snow, heat—somehow the unpredictability of nature helps our friendships go deeper. We become more vulnerable and open. Everything is less artificial.”