The Sleeping Giant: Impacting the World Where We Are

By mutua mahiaini

In the vast tapestry of global missions, The Navigators strive to be "workers for the Kingdom next door to everywhere." But why does this matter? Consider this: in a city teeming with a billion souls, the impact of discipling even a thousand individuals might seem like a drop in the ocean. However, the essence lies in being the salt and light exactly where God has placed us. Each Navigator is assigned a specific "darkness" to illuminate, a unique sphere of influence to transform.

At the core of our mission lies the mobilization of believers, both through intentional deployment to unreached areas and through the activation of our existing relational networks worldwide. Our Navigators are scattered geographically, but they are intricately connected through the Holy Spirit, the Great Commission, and our Navigator Calling. Whether it is within our families, workplaces, or communities, we are called to be ambassadors of Christ’s Kingdom wherever we go.

Whatever it takes, we long to see everyone mobilized for God’s cause. One of the most effective ways to activate everyone to be a full  participant in advancing the gospel is fundraising. That is why building donor relationships, often viewed as a means to get the job done, takes on a deeper meaning for Navigators. Each supporter invited to join our funding team becomes a stakeholder in the ministry, contributing not only financially but also through prayer and active involvement in disciple-making.

For example, Navigator Geoffrey Washiali shared how his perspective on a longtime donor shifted from one of mere support to seeing this friend as a fellow laborer in ministry. For nearly two decades, their connection had primarily been focused on discussing financial needs and strategizing ministry impact. It wasn’t until Geoffrey started delving deeper into Scripture study, asking questions about his donor’s sphere of influence, and helping his friend think through his Kingdom influence that the relationship shifted to collaboration and mutual fruitfulness rather than mere support. This shift in perspective prompted Geoffrey to reevaluate all of his relationships, exploring previously untapped avenues for Gospel advancement.

Central to our ministry is the understanding that every individual we disciple and labor alongside represents a potential network of influence waiting to be unlocked. Just as Paul exhorted the Philippians to shine like stars in a dark world, we recognize the profound impact of nurturing and equipping others for the Kingdom. Our goal is not just to make disciples but to catalyze a ripple effect of generational impact, igniting a passion for discipleship that transcends jobs and titles.

In our pursuit of mobilization, we embrace the diversity of God's Kingdom, recognizing that each person, regardless of background or talent, has a unique role to play. Rather than relying upon multi-talented, do-it-all individuals in our ministry, we celebrate the interconnectedness of the Body of Christ, where strengths complement weaknesses and every member has a vital part to play.

The Lord promised in Isaiah 60:22, "The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” Isn’t it amazing that God has chosen to use us to accomplish His plan? This promise fuels our hope and drives us forward, knowing that God has strategically placed us where we are, both connected to a dying world and to one another in the fellowship of believers. Indeed, where we are is no accident—it is a divine assignment, a call to be "workers for the Kingdom next door to everywhere.”