
Always Go Farther into the Castle

Always Go Farther into the Castle

(October 2020, Issue 108) Many friends have fallen away from living in union with Christ. Perhaps this happens because going further into hope requires humility, a willingness to submit to the Spirit’s work. However, humility is the doorway into a deepening experience of Christ’s love—the way into another castle room.

The Power of Weakness

The Power of Weakness

(Issue 108, October 2020) Mary, who had done nothing wrong, nevertheless saw all that was at stake. She stepped out in obedient faith and went to Ellen’s house. When Ellen opened the door, Mary literally got down on her knees and asked Ellen for forgiveness. On her knees. In Muslim Eurasia, this never happens.

From Anger to Forgiveness

From Anger to Forgiveness

Most of the kids in her institution had lice. The food was bland. Chores were rigorous. Punishments were severe. At age six, after committing a minor infraction, Sophia was forced to hold up a heavy chair for an extended period. On some occasions, the teachers beat the kids with phone cords and then placed them in hot showers.