(October 2024, Issue 124) The miracle of new birth in Christ will always be a work of God. But when those same individuals turn around and begin discipling others, it becomes an even greater miracle...
(July 2024, Issue 123) What are you, as a disciple or disciplemaker within the Navigator worldwide family, doing to foster biblical depth in those you mentor?
(October 2020, Issue 108) Many friends have fallen away from living in union with Christ. Perhaps this happens because going further into hope requires humility, a willingness to submit to the Spirit’s work. However, humility is the doorway into a deepening experience of Christ’s love—the way into another castle room.
As I develop strong, authentic friendships within the unbelieving Middle Eastern community where I live, I am learning to more fully embrace the fact that I “carry” the presence of Jesus wherever I go. This “clothing” gives me joy and helps me to be more courageous and intentional in my witness.
For Rosh, taking what is broken and lost at sea and making it into something beautiful and valuable is like what God does with people. “It points to a hope for all of us, that even in our brokenness we are searched for and found,” says Rosh.