Mutua Mahiaini

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

Exploring gratitude's role within Navigator values, this episode delves into its connection with discipleship and mission. Through personal anecdotes and biblical insights, Mutua Mahiaini (International President of the Navigators) and Peter Udall (International Vice President) discuss how gratitude deepens reliance on God, fosters healthy relationships, and inspires generosity. Strategies for overcoming obstacles to gratitude are shared, along with practical steps for fostering a culture of thankfulness within Navigator ministries. Ultimately, gratitude is presented as a compass guiding Navigator communities toward spiritual fulfillment and impactful mission endeavors.

The Role of Mentorship

In this podcast, mentorship is examined through biblical lenses, highlighting its profound impact on personal and spiritual growth. Mutua Mahiaini (International President of the Navigators) and Alan Ch'ng (International Vice President) delve into navigating various discipleship relationships while encouraging listeners to embrace mentorship as a cornerstone of their faith journey and personal development.

Messy Ministry to the Broken, part 2

If we don’t reach out to “problematic” people, are we making a statement that our Gospel can only reach a certain type of person? In this episode, Mutua Mahiaini (International President of the Navigators) and Eddie Broussard (International Vice President) continue their discussion from Part 1 about hard lessons the International Executive Team is currently learning about reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and broken. They share another story of a team member in North America who is discipling a prisoner. They issue powerful scriptural challenges to care for people the way Jesus does and to learn from them at the same time. Mutua concludes that ministry to the poor showcases the transforming power of the Gospel.

Messy Ministry to the Broken, part 1

If the greatest fruit you see in your discipleship relationship is that the disciple starts to tell less lies, but then she turns back to drugs and gets arrested… how do you evaluate that? In this episode, Mutua Mahiaini (International President of the Navigators) and Eddie Broussard (International Vice President) get down to the nitty-gritty of reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and broken. They tell colorful stories of two IET members’ personal connections to people in need. One is in North America and one is in Asia, but both stories are roller coaster rides of people stepping out of their comfort zones to find perceived successes and failures. Mutua uses the stories to illustrate a poignant question: Are we motivated to do this type of ministry so we can tell positive stories, or because of the heart of God? 

Mutua and Eddie also discuss the IET’s convictions about ministry to the vulnerable and broken, from the historic Money and the Navigators working groups to the inclusion of the word “everywhere” in the vision statement. They highlight the conclusion that the issues of stewardship and ministry to the poor are close to God’s heart and therefore our obedience is a lordship issue.

"Deep Engagement" with the Scriptures in the Information Age

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Our Navigator vision statement includes a compelling expression. It says: “Navigators are marked by a deep engagement with and obedience to the Scriptures as the Word of God.” In this conversation, our current international president, Mutua Mahiaini, and his predecessor, Mike Treneer share what “deep engagement” with the Scriptures means. How have they engaged with the Bible on a personal level? How have the Scriptures shaped them as international leaders? What does it mean for Navigators to lead others from the Scriptures?

As Mutua said: “I need to have a strong grasp of the Scriptures so that they might have a strong grasp on me.” What might happen to our movement if we don’t allow God to “grasp” us through his Word?