
A Closer Look: Malaysia

A Closer Look: Malaysia

(Jan. 2021, Issue 109) Although not many are turning to Christ in this difficult-to-reach, modern and ancient, complex culture, God is working in the hearts of Malaysians. The key is to develop genuine friendships, to build trust, and to serve people in love.

Malaysia: The Power of Working Together

Malaysia: The Power of Working Together

We are convinced that ordinary people can see God’s transformational power among unbelievers through service, prayer and hospitality. This happens best when believers team up rather than trying to do it alone. No matter how stressful life is, living and discipling together makes serving others doable and fun.

A Forum for the Nations

A Forum for the Nations

Our call to reach the nations is daunting. It is far beyond our human capacity. So, as we think about reaching the nations, it requires us to expand our view of God. The call to the nations compels us to put our trust in God’s power and promises, to believe that He will do what we cannot do on our own. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.

Forum Resources for Learning and Growing

The Navigator leaders at the 2017 International Forum in Malaysia spent extensive time in the Scriptures. To share the wealth with you, we have posted video recordings (non-professional) of the International Executive Team’s teaching at the forum. You can find these videos on our international video library.

Malaysian Navigators Celebrate 50 Years

Malaysian Navigators Celebrate 50 Years

In April 2016, five generations of Malaysian Navigators held the 50th Anniversary National Conference. Some of the participants were just four-years old and others were in their late 70s, a living fulfillment of the Navigator vision to see the Gospel expand through spiritual generations.