We are convinced that ordinary people can see God’s transformational power among unbelievers through service, prayer and hospitality. This happens best when believers team up rather than trying to do it alone. No matter how stressful life is, living and discipling together makes serving others doable and fun.
For Rosh, taking what is broken and lost at sea and making it into something beautiful and valuable is like what God does with people. “It points to a hope for all of us, that even in our brokenness we are searched for and found,” says Rosh.
Who am I and why am I here? We long for identity and purpose, but we face the endemic condition of guilt, fear and emptiness. As a result of our broken condition, we search for answers. The problem is that we look for answers in all the wrong places.
How does increasing social isolation in communities around the world create an open door for the Gospel? A growing network of Navigators—called Navigators Neighbors—is working to counter the trend toward neighborhood isolation. This article and a short film will show you how easy it is to participate.
Nancy, a Muslim working in central Asia, was terrified. The accounting mistake she had made at work was serious. She knew that she would face public humiliation in front of coworkers, and that she would have to pay a major fine. She knew that her boss had every right to fire her. But Nancy soon experienced the love and grace of Jesus.